

For more information contact our sales team or use the contact form for any queries you may have.

We will deal with your request as soon as possible and try to respond to your needs to your entire satisfaction.

Polígono Químico Sur (acceso Vial dels Prats)
43110 La Canonja (Spain)
+34 977 835 400 - [email protected]

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North and West Germany

Joachim Kroeger

Central Eastern Europe

Pawel Karwowski

South & East Germany, Switzerland and Hungary

Gabor Ladanyi

Balkans region

Božana Šošić

Austria and Healthcare coordination

Claudia Zauner

Spain and Portugal

Mónica Rodríguez

Italy and Turkey

Sandro Cara

Latin America, Middle East and Asia Pacific

Daniel Engel

Italy, France and Northem Africa

Enrico Novara

UK, Ireland, Belgium, Netherlands and Nordic region

Tanja Dicker


Business Manager ABS

Ramón Maestro

Business Manager ABS

Sandro Cara

Business Manager Intermediates

Kristian Benincasa

Marketing Manager

Fabian Herter

BDM “Healthcare and Consumer Goods”

Luca Chiochia

Business Development Manager Automotive

Ignacio Buezas

Technical Service Manager

Raúl Martín

Technical Service Manager

Sara Sorribas


Logo Elix Polymers Americas
United States, Mexico and Canada

Gerhald Claussen - Business Manager ELIX Americas

United States and Canada

Richard Yant - Regional Sales Manager

United States, Canada and Mexico

Tom Chu - Business Development and Technical Support Manager


Logo Elix Polymers China
Sales Director China Automotive

Stefan Zhang

Sales Director China Non-Automotive

Mei Jingjing


Customer Service

External Communication

Amaia Bolaños

Internal Communication

Sandra Castanedo

People Department

Procurement Department

Accounting Department

General Administration Department


For inquires please contact our sales team.

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Information on how your personal data is processed

Please note that, in compliance with current national and European regulations, specifically the laws on Personal Data Protection and on Information Society and Electronic Commerce Services, by sending this form you expressly agree for ELIX POLYMERS SLU (hereinafter, “ELIX POLYMERS”) to process your personal data in its capacity as data controller with the purpose of responding to your requests of contact and information by electronic means.

Furthermore, provided that you give us your express consent, we will process your personal data in order to send you commercial information about ELIX POLYMERS news, products and events.

With the aforementioned purposes ELIX POLYMERS may submit your personal data to related companies or to third party providers of electronic communications and of any other security and hosting communication services, or for business management purposes, even in those cases when they are outside of the European Union, provided that they legally ensure the adequate level of protection required by European law.

You can at any time withdraw your consent and exercise your rights of access, rectification, erasure and portability of your data, as well as your rights to restriction and objection to their processing by sending ELIX POLYMERS SLU, an e-mail at [email protected] or a postal communication to Polígono Químico Sur (acceso Vial dels Prats) 43110 La Canonja - Tarragona (Spain). If you choose to contact us through e-mail, the words 'Personal data' and the right that you wish to exercise must appear on the Subject header field. If you would rather address us by postal means, the same subject line must be written on the envelope. In both cases a copy of your National ID Card or of an alternative identification document must be forwarded to us with your communication.


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