Our company

Our company

ELIX Polymers is a leading manufacturer of ABS (Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene) resins and derivatives in Europe.

Operating from its head office in Tarragona, Spain, and with sales support teams in all key markets, the company is a specialist provider of tailor-made solutions for high quality thermoplastics applications. With a track record of over 45 years, ELIX Polymers is an expert in ABS polymers, and it has the resources, the expertise and the experience to create value for its customers through highly individual solutions.

We offer a broad range of material solutions for a variety of industries and applications, meeting the stringent requirements of the healthcare, automotive, appliances, electronic and other industries.

In addition, we have ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 50001 certifications and fully underwrites the chemical industry’s responsibilities.

Our key factors are continuous improvement, innovation, state-of-the-art technology, a high level of experience in the sales and technical marketing departments, as well as our team of professionals who make up the human capital of ELIX Polymers.

ELIX Polymers is member of:


PlasticsEurope is one of the leading European trade associations with centres in Brussels, Frankfurt, London, Madrid, Milan and Paris. We are networking with European and national plastics associations and have more than 100 member companies, producing over 90% of all polymers across the EU28 member states plus Norway, Switzerland and Turkey.


FEIQUE represents the Spanish Chemical Industry, a sector composed of more than 3,100 companies with an annual turnover of 56,400 million euros, generating 12.4% of the Gross Industrial Product , and 540,000 jobs in Spain. The chemical sector is the second largest exporter of the Spanish economy and the largest investor in R&D and Environmental Protection.


The Chemical Business Association of Tarragona (AEQT) was established in 1977 with the aim of representing the whole chemical sector, a structured entity with the community, working for the group of chemical companies more competitive in southern Europe, leading a cluster global reference and contribute to sustainable development of the territory.


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Member of

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