ELIX Polymers publishes first Sustainability Report
- Company shows commitment to environmental sustainability and management based on values of integrity, transparency and ethics
- Report covering financial year 2016 uses GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) standards
ELIX Polymers, a leading manufacturer of ABS resins and derivatives in Europe, has published its first Sustainability Report. It provides stakeholders with an in-depth understanding of the company’s commitment to transparency and information related to the sustainability impacts of their activity during the 2016 tax year.
The report covers issues related to sustainable management in environmental, social and economic areas, as well as ELIX Polymers’ relationships with stakeholders. It shows how ELIX Polymers management strives to create added value according to the interests of customers, shareholders, the community, the company’s own employees, and others. Management guidelines relating to sustainability are based on the circular economy, waste-minimisation strategies, and the responsible consumption of energy and natural resources.
Introducing the 2016 sustainability report, Wolfgang Doering, CEO of ELIX Polymers, said: “As a company in the chemicals industry, we have a particular responsibility towards our stakeholders and society as a whole. With this report, we want all parties to gain a better understanding of how ELIX Polymers is living up to its responsibility towards the environment.
“Since ELIX Polymers became an independent company in 2012, it has driven various initiatives to strengthen its commitment to environmental sustainability, basing its management on the values of integrity, transparency and ethics. One example among many is our investments in research to develop products that are more sustainable, whether during the manufacturing process or in their use phase.”
ELIX Polymers has recently renewed its Responsible Care certificate. This is the chemicals industry’s first worldwide voluntary initiative for promoting corporate social responsibility and commitment to the principles of sustainable development. It also holds ISO 14001, ISO 50001 and ISO 9001 certificates for environmental management, energy management and quality management respectively. ELIX was one of the first chemicals companies in Spain to obtain the ISO 50001 certificate for energy efficiency.
Judith Banus, head of the company’s Corporate Social Responsibility Programme, says: “Sustainability is an essential part of our company, and the circular economy is an important opportunity to explore the integration of environmental management, such as recycling plastic or managing waste created during the production process. But we also see safety as a fundamental part of sustainability. Our people are the cornerstone of our company’s mission, which is why we support the implementation of healthy company strategies. We are going beyond basic health protection: we now promote health fully, in a way that is not limited to the working day”.
“We are introducing a new safety culture into our operations. Last year, we initiated our Company-based Safety project, which has the ambitious aim of creating a risk-free workplace, encouraging the participation of all employees, led by their line managers, to create an environment where they can perform optimally and safely”.
The ELIX Polymers 2016 Sustainability Report was compiled using Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards, the benchmark for this type of non-financial document. Likewise, AccountAbility standard AA1000SES was taken into account when defining the relevant topics that should be reported.
The ELIX Polymers 2016 Sustainability Report is available on the company website: www.elix-polymers.com/cn/可持续发展报告/价值观/2016.