ELIX Polymers, a company with spirit
Every year, ELIX Polymers, a leading thermoplastics manufacturer, publishes a magazine called “ELIX Familiar”, dedicated to all personnel and their families, and aimed at compiling the most important moments of the year.
Within the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) framework and with the aim of making a positive impact on the social well-being of people, inside the magazine there is a games section where ELIX encourages its collaborators to play with their families. Among all the people that play the game properly, ELIX will conduct a raffle to donate €500 to a non-profit organisation.
On the one hand, Lorena Rey, Quality Manager of ELIX Polymers and winner of the 2021 contest, decided to make her donation to the Spanish Rare Diseases Federation (FEDER) with the aim of helping to improve the quality of life of families impacted by a rare disease.
“For us at FEDER the fact that Lorena chose us as a solidarity cause has been a great gift, since it encourages us to continue fighting to improve the quality of life of families impacted by rare diseases. However, what is most important is that, through the “ELIX Familiar” magazine, all of Lorena's co-workers will hear about us and can help spread our message to help more families in need”, said Juan Carrión, President of FEDER.
On the other hand, Gerard Padró, Plant Operator at ELIX Polymers and winner of the 2022 contest, decided to make a donation to the Pàdel amb Tu association with the aim of bringing the sport of paddle tennis closer to people with disabilities and risk of social exclusion in the province of Tarragona.
“The world is full of differences, amazing differences that make this place incredibly diverse and wonderful. Each and every one of us has unique skills, and depending on how we view them, these may be perceived as a disadvantage or as an advantage, they may be considered a disability or as examples of overcoming adversity. People are defined by their actions and one of these actions is helping sectors like ours. Therefore, from here we would like to thank Gerard Padró for selecting us and we would also like to thank ELIX Polymers for their social responsibility. We hope this is the beginning of a great relationship”, said Albert Coscollola, President of Pàdel amb Tu.
ELIX Polymers will continue collaborating and standing by people in need, by doing our part to support local non-profit organisations.