ELIX Polymers renews environmental care efforts with commitment to Operation Clean Sweep
ELIX Polymers, a leading producer of ABS resins and compounds, has joined Operation Clean Sweep (OCS), the international program designed to eliminate losses of pellets., flake, and powder and prevent these materials entering rivers and oceans. Marine litter is a global concern, affecting all the oceans of the world, and this specific program it is a contribution to avoid this problem from plastics producers and converters.
This program, in combination with circular economy programs, intensive education, awareness actions and campaigns to the society, should prevent marine litter. The scope of this program is extended from polymer and compound producers, transporters, bulk terminal operators, processors and recyclers, covering every step of the supply chain. Joining the Ocean Clean Sweep program is only one of the efforts ELIX make to preserve the environment.
OCS is a voluntary stewardship program for plastics production and handling facilities administered jointly by the Plastics Industry Association (PLASTICS, previously SPI) and the Plastics Division of the American Chemistry Council (ACC). Founded just over 25 years ago in the USA, OCS is now taking on an increasingly global aspect. Its program is now being implemented in 23 countries around the world. In the European Plastics Industry, the implementation of the OCS program is coordinated by Plastics Europe. As ELIX Polymers is an associate member of Plastic Europe, it now gladly joins this program.
Operations Director David Castañeda confirmed ELIX Polymers’ adherence to the Operation Clean Sweep (OCS) program at a signing ceremony at its headquarters in Tarragona, Spain, on May 24th. He was accompanied by Ignacio Marco, Iberica Region Director for trade association PlasticsEurope.
OCS provides a manual, checklists, guidelines and other resources and tools designed to help companies keep plastics pellets, flakes and powder out of the environment.
“ELIX Polymers has a strong commitment to sustainability and the environment,” says Castañeda. “Signing up to the OCS program is a further confirmation of that commitment. We will make a step forward by implementing the program within our organisation and our partners”