ELIX Polymers presents the Safety Award to company Siemsa Industria as the best services company of 2017
As part of its Safety Week, which took place between 23 and 30 April, ELIX Polymers presented the "2017 ELIX Safety Award" to company Siemsa Industria S.A. This services company obtained the best score in the Safety KPI Performance, and the award is a recognition of its implementation of best practices in the area of prevention.
David Castañeda, Operations Director at ELIX, reminded everyone that: "ELIX Polymers is committed to generating a safe working environment for all personnel working at our installations on a daily basis, for which we need all service companies that collaborate with us to also be committed to this endeavour".
The criteria for choosing the winning company include aspects such as compliance with business activity coordination (BAC) document requirements, and the score obtained in an internal audit in terms of occupational risk prevention. The number of employees at the centre was also taken into account, as well as whether their presence is continuous or sporadic.
The award ceremony was attended by several representatives from Siemsa, regular ELIX Polymers service companies, and part of the ELIX Operations team.
Juan Jesús García Campos, Head of the Construction and Industrial Maintenance department at Siemsa commented: "We want to thank everyone for the Safety Award that ELIX Polymers has awarded to Siemsa Industria as the best services company of 2017, which is a great incentive for our organisation to continue strengthening the main pillar upon which our activity is based, which is safety".
On the other hand, Judith Banus, SHE & Site Services Manager commented: "This award recognises the effort that is being made by our collaborator, Siemsa, in improving the working conditions of the operations they are carrying out at our installations. This effort has earned them first place in the global safety indicator ranking among all the services companies that normally collaborate with ELIX Polymers. Especially valued is the pro-activeness of its personnel when initiatives are proposed that contribute to improving the working conditions of all personnel".
Siemsa is an independent operator that provides services to the Energy, Industry, Oil and Gas sectors as well as the control and process analysis systems. Since 1982, Siemsa has been providing engineering, assembling, commissioning and maintenance services to the petrochemical and energy sectors. They also have a wide client portfolio, among which ELIX Polymers is worth mentioning as they have placed their trust in all of their projects.
The Safety Award grades the effort made by collaborating companies in aligning themselves with ELIX's safety and prevention policies; this recognition also allows consolidating its leadership and that of its collaborators in the subject matter.